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The sudden arrival of a ‘pimple’ before a date is considered as every teenager’s nightmare. Most adolescents and a good percentage of adults experience Acne Vulgaris, which can turn up as Whiteheads, blackheads and pimples on the face, neck, shoulders, back as well as on chest. A study revealed that nearly 17 million people suffer from acne, producing a large market for anti-acne products.


Skin pores usually enclose oil glands which maintain the hair and skin as oiled. At times, these sebaceous pores is filled with surplus oil and bacteria, resulting into acne. On a broad spectrum, the causes of acne may be the following:

  • Bacteria, can easily infect oil glands and pores
  • Improper diet, uneven meals, extreme consumption of starches, sugar and fatty foods
  • Chronic constipation
  • Hormonal changes, especially in teenagers
  • Inappropriate use of cosmetics that block the pores
  • Genes

Acne Types

  • Blackheads: Blackheads are the outcome of when a pore is just somewhat choked, allowing some sort of confined sebum (oil), bacteria and dead skin cells to steadily drain to the surface. The causation of the black colour is a result of a reaction of the skin’s own pigment, melanin, ionising with the oxygen in the air.
  • Whiteheads: They are caused when a pore is completely blocked, ensnaring sebum (oil), bacteria and dead skin cells, resulting into a white appearance on the surface.
  • Pustules: It is very much similar to a whitehead, but is inflamed and seem as a red sphere or circle with a white or yellow center.
  • Papules: Papules are usually inflamed, red, tender bumps with no head.
  • Austere acne vulgaris is considered as nodules or cysts.
  • Nodules: They are usually large, hard bumps below the skin’s surface and are actually prone to leaving scars behind.
  • An acne cysts may appear similar to a nodule, but is pus-filled and painful.
  • Acne Rosacea appear similar to the acne vulgaris and is evident in batches.
  • Harsh forms of acne encompass acne conglobate and pyoderma faciale.


  • Intake healthy food. Consume garden-fresh fruits and vegetables and anti-oxidants like tomatoes.
  • Be hygienic. Use anti-bacterial, oil-free face wash or body wash. Those that include tea tree oil are a better option. Avoid scrubbing your face, which may result into irritation of the skin. The motive behind washing is to eliminate dirt and oil-free the pores.
  • If you’re suffering from constipation, treat it ASAP.
  • Drink lots of water
  • Elude chocolate, fried food and refined sugar.
  • Include B-complex and zinc supplements in your diet in order to strengthen the skin’s resistance to acne.
  • Watch out as in where you put your face: avoid placing your cheek against things and surfaces that may have infection, like telephone receivers, window panes used pillow cases and to name a few.


  • Avoid squeezing or popping a zit. Squeezing may result into pushing the bacteria and pus deeper into the skin, leaving behind permanent scars.
  • Rinse your face with warm salt water. Doing this, you’ll get rid of oil and dirt without irritating the acne.
  • Apply cucumber paste on your face. Rinse it off after 20-30 minutes with lukewarm water.
  • Aloe vera gel is said to be an effectual natural cure for acne. Aloe vera gel contain anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties.
  • If you’re going through a bad acne case, consult a dermatologist.

Herbal Remedies for Acne

The pure herb Neem is really popular and is found in abundance. Neem or Azardrachta indica contain anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and blood purifying properties. It is very useful in skin disorders and help maintain a healthy and glowing skin. Intake of Neem pure herb capsules help detoxify the system and clear acne and pimples.

Acne Treatment

Certain other procedures are also used to treat acne. They are not restrained to surgery but do not include medications. Microdermabrasion, chemical peeling and laser/light are among some of these procedures.

When chemical peeling is considered, glycolic acid is used to remove the upper layer of dead skin. The peeling is carried out with a mild solution of glycolic acid. The glycolic acid in turn breaks the link betwixt the dead skin cells and fresh skin. This treatment is used to treat acne in the initial stages.

In microdermabrasion, minute particle are thrown at the skin at a high speed to eliminate the dead layer of skin cells and thereby loosen the whiteheads and blackheads. However, this procedure is not applicable on inflamed acne. It can be used during the initial stages.

Special types of lasers are now being used to treat acne. However, laser is not an ordinary therapy for acne and is still under testing. Blue lighting is used to treat acne. It helps in the killing of bacteria P, acnes and reduces inflammation. Green-yellow light and heat energy are used in amalgamation in order to kill the bacteria and thereby shrink the sebaceous glands.

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