A brain tumour is said to be an abnormal growth of tissue in the brain or central spine, which is usually responsible for appropriate brain functionality. Doctors address the problem on the basis of as in where the tumour cells originated, and if they are cancerous (malignant) or non-cancerous (Benign).
Benign- Benign tumour is said to be least belligerent tumour. They derive from cells within or encircling the brain, not including cancer cells. Develop slowly and basically have clear borders.
Malignant- This type includes cancer cells and often do not have strong borders. They are said to be life intimidating as they develop speedily and attack adjacent brain tissue.
Primary- Tumours which starts in brain cells are known as primary brain tumours. The tumour is likely to spread to other parts of the brain or to the spine.
Metastatic- Usually secondary types begin in the body part and then start spreading its roots to the brain. These tumours are considered more common than primary brain tumour.
When brain tumour is susceptible or suspected, a good amount of tests are conducted in order to assist the doctor reach a brain tumour diagnosis. These tests may also prove out to be of great help to doctors in determining the kind or type of tumour.
Certain tests performed is to first identify the tumour and later it is used to examine the progress- to understand, if the tumour disappeared, is hitting, is as usual or has changed in the same way.
Common symptoms of brain tumour include the following:
- Numbness of arms and legs
- Headaches
- Memory problems
- Nausea and vomiting
- Balancing and walking problems
- Change in speech, hearing and vision.
Brain Tumour Grades
Brain tumour is basically categorized as grade 1, 2, 3 and 4 type of tumour
Grade 1- benign tumours with a steady growth rate, similar to normal brain cells.
Grade 2- malignant tumours that seem less normal than grade 1 tumours.
Grade 3- malignant tumours that are very different from normal cells. They develop actively and look clearly abnormal.
Grade 4- malignant tumours with particularly abnormal-appearing cells that grow and spread speedily.
In order to diagnose the condition, the doctor may ask few questions about the symptoms and about family health history. Then the doctor is likely to perform a physical test incorporating a neurological exam. If there’s a valid reason to suppose a brain tumour, the doctor may ask for one or more of the following tests:
- CT scan or MRI to identify detailed images of the brain.
- Angiogram, which includes the use of dye and X-ray of blood vessels in the brain to see for the signs of the type or abnormal blood vessels.
- The doctor may also ask for a Biospy in order to decide whether or not the tumour is a cancer. A tissue sample from the brain is removed either during surgery in order to remove the tumour with the needle inserted via a small hole drilled.
- Certain alternatives include treatment by surgery, radiation therapy and chemotherapy.
Surgery in order to remove the tumour is basically the first option, after a brain tumour has been diagnosed. While, certain tumours are not removable surgically due to their location in the brain. If this the case, chemotherapy and radiation therapy are other alternatives for killing and shrinking the tumour.
As the treatment for cancer is likely to damage other healthy tissue, it’s essential to discuss the probable side and long term effects of whatever treatment is being used by your doctor. Rehabilitation may involve operating with different therapies.
Physical therapist to resume strength and balance
- Speech therapist in order to acknowledge the problem with speaking, expressing thought.
- Occupational therapist to help aid daily activities like bathing and dressing the wound appropriately.
Herbal Remedy For Brain Tumour
Hundreds of herbs are still being researched for effectual use in the treatment of diverse types of cancer. Ayurveda- a traditional medicine system utilizes variety of naturally occurring botanicals to treat many diseases. The more common formula used in Ayurvedic Medicine is Triphala. This particular herbal formulation of Triphala includes equal proportion of three fruits respectively: Amalaki, Haritaki, and Bibhitaki. Scientific research claims that Triphala possess anti-cancer properties.