Female Infertility Treatment
Female Infertility and Impotency
According to Ayurveda there are four main factors responsible for the effective conceptions:
- Proper Ovulation and Healthy permeation
- Pure and Favourable uterine atmosphere
- Proper nourishment and blood circulation
- Healthy Zygote
In Ayurveda, Infertility is compared with VANDHYATWA.
According to Ayurvedic texts, the general causes of sterility or infertility are:
- Constituents of Garbha (Zygote/embryo/foetus)
- Rutu (Season/fertile period)
- Kshetra(Healthy Yoni, uterus and Passage, reproductive organs)
- Ambu (proper nutrient fluid, clarity of Hrudaya or psychology)
- Proper functioning of Vayu (normal Nervous System)
- Sadbhavas (Mother, Father, Atma, Satwa, Satmya and Rasa)
Impairment /Abnormality in any one of above factor can cause infertility.
In order to diagnose of infertility related problem in women and Men, the first step in testing is to find out if she is ovulating each month. Doctors can also check if a woman is ovulating by doing Blood Tests and an Ultrasound of the ovaries. In men 1stt step to check Sperm Analysis Test. Apart of that we consider Female and male other concern which leads to infertility, these are below.
In case of female Infertility, Ayurveda attaches great importance to the various physiological conditions a woman goes through in her life. Ancient scriptures deals the care women from the time she attend the Menarche or other various pathological condition that women often concern. These are menstrual disorders leads to cause the infertility in female.
- Poly Ovarian Cystic
- Endometriosis
- Uterine fibroids
- Pre or post menstrual syndrome
- Both fallopian tube blockage
- Earlier abortions
- Irregular menstruation, less or heavy bleeding during Menstruation
- Various types of infections in Vagina, Vaginal canal, or entrance of Uterus
- Inflammation or an ulcer on cervix area
- Hyperacidity if Vaginal region, which can kill sperms before entering in Uterus cavity
- Overweight and excessive fat
- Weakness carried from chronic Illness
Ayurveda Treatment/Cure for Infertility at Ayurveda Yoga Wellness Clinic Melbourne
Those who are having trouble because of infertility and seeking for some help can contact the clinic anytime. With the help of Ayurveda infertility specialist at Ayurveda yoga wellness clinic , patients can get the best treatment in Ayurveda. We have qualified Ayurveda infertility doctors and they treat with Organic Ayurvedic medicine and ayurvedic oil Massage and Panchkarma treatment. This is the most advanced medicine in Ayurveda. We use authentic traditional medicine therapy and which helps to get away from the infertility. We not just treat the patient physically but also psychologically. Infertility issue could create lots of mental and people might lose self-confidence. We help them to gain the self confidence back and be happy in daily lifestyle.
Dr Santosh Yadav is an Ayurveda infertility specialist and the pioneer in Ayurveda medicine. He has more than 10 years’ experience in this field. He has treated thousands of patients in India and Australia
If you suffer from Infertility call us on (03) 9794 8546