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Ayurvedic Consultation Ayurvedic life style Consultation

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Ayurvedic consultation and ayurvedic life style is need of the every one either person who got disease or who is healthy want to achieve a optimum health and live healthy up to 100 year.

At Ayurveda Yoga  Wellness Clinic Ayurvedic practitioner Dr Santosh is an experience ayurvedic doctor will identifying your root cause of disease during the Consultation and advise right Ayurvedic medicine ,diet and lifestyle to archive a robust health all the way of your life.

Those who are trouble of health problem and looking a right treatment and consultation call come at Ayurveda Yoga Wellness Clinic. AYWC practitioner are treating your problem holistically approach interrogating physical, emotional and psychological and addressing the deep-rooted cause of the diseases, not just symptoms.

During the consultation Ayurveda Yoga wellness Clinic doctor aske Number of question to assess your Body type or Dosha and determine your body type and imbalances of Dosha, food you eat, your life style, Pulse, Nail, Eye, and Tongue determination from Ayurvedic point of View.

Based on the Consultation we  make ayurvedic Diagnosis and advise Ayurvedic Medicine, Herbal remedies, Dietary changes, Nutrition, life style, Ayurvedic massage, Panchakarma Treatment /Detox treatment , some special ayurvedic massage ,Sirodhara Treatment ,Yoga ,Meditation, breathing Exercise and Self-care practice.

Apart of the above we also tailored Panchakrma treatment /Detox treatment individually according to individual chronic Diseases, This Panchkaram treatment brings back you normal health of the State and increases your immunity and strength and Individual achieve a optimum health and harmonies Body, Mind and Soul and live healthy Life.

Dr Santosh is an ayurvedic Specialist and pioneer in Ayurveda Medicines and treatment .He has 10 year experiences in this field and treated thousands of the patients in Australia successfully.

Initial Consultation 60  Minutes: $110 AUD 

Selected health funds rebate apply, please contact us for details.

HICAPS Facility Available in Clinic Claim on the Spot, pay only your gap.

We are specialized to treatment of many health issues below

Joint Pain Disorders: Arthritis, Rheumatoid arthritis, Gout and Osteoarthritis

Digestive Disorder: Gas, Bloating, IBS (Irritable Bowel syndrome), Constipation, Ulcerative Colitis & Piles & Hemorrhoids
Blood pressure
Infertility Treatment Male and Female
Stress, Anxiety & Depression

Gynecological Related Problem: Menstruations Disorders, Menopause Syndrome, hot Flushes, Mood swing etc

Neurological Disorder: Parkinson’s, Alzimears, Multiple sclerosis etc
Insomnia and Memory loss

Hair Loss Treatment: Alopecia
Kidney and gall bladder stone

Skin Diseases: Psoriasis, Eczema Acne, Dermatitis & Vitiligo

Metabolic Disorder: Diabetes and Obesity
Cancer & Complication of Cancer

Hormonal Disorders: Thyroid Disease: Hypothyroidism & Hyperthyroidism

Respiratory disorder: Asthma, Bronchitis, COPD
Sinus and recurrent cold flu &Cough
Chronic fatigue Syndrome (CFS)
Back Pain
Neck Pain
Ear Diseases: Hearing Loss, Tinnitus & Meniere’s disease

Book a consultation with our experienced Ayurveda team Book Now