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Since being diagnosed with Fibromyalgia and Erosive Inflammatory Arthritis I have experienced many days and nights of anguishing pain and fatigue. The disease at times left me feeling beaten that I often could not see how depressed and defeated I was. I made the conscious decision to try alternative medicine and on a referral from a friend I visited Santosh.
Santosh is inspiring with his knowledge and wisdom, he understands me as a whole person and treats me with a balanced approached. The massage treatments (thank you Nicole), diet changes and ayurvedic medicines combined have allowed me to remember my life without pain and fatigue, this is given me new hope that into the future I will receive the support and guidance I need to manage my health.
I could not more highly recommend Santosh. His support for your wellness, his generous time, his abundant knowledge and friendly smile promote healing and wellbeing.
Thank you to Santosh and the Team at Ayurveda yoga!
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