Panchakarma – (Sodhan Therapy/DetoxificationTherapy/Bio-Cleansing)
Panchakarma treatment is sodhan therapy (detoxification).Panchkarma is the primary healing modality within the ancient Ayurvedic science. It offers balancing rejuvenation for mind, body, and consciousness. This is achieved through a Replica Rolex Submariner series of unique, natural, holistic, health-giving, deep cleansing therapeutic treatments. Panchakarma treatments Melbourne remove toxins from the body and restore constitutional balance improving health, strengthening immunity, reversing negative effects of stresses which slow the aging process and enhance self-reliance, strength, energy, vitality and mental clarity.
Panch means five & karma means deeds/methods. Panchkarma is more than just five purificatory procedures. Panchkarma Melbourne helps to clean thestrotas (micro & macro channels in the body) and to rejuvenate them for ensuring the proper transportation of the metabolites. It aims at recouping the harmony of the diseases passage & retaining the harmony in the normal states. The clean & competent state of thestrotas (channels) is an essential pre-requisite for health. In every diseases state, blockage of the strotas (channels) is the most important diathesis.
This way this therapy is important for the removal of the malas/Toxins (waste products) from the body for the proper transformation of the doshas, dhatus (body elements).
Panchkarm Melbourne comprises 5 steps
Prior to Panchakarma, poorvakarma (pre-procedure) is administered. Pachan Karma(digestive Therapy), Snehanam (External and Internal Oleretion) and Swedanam(Sweating)” which are basically the purvakarma or meaning primary aspect of Panchakarma. Pachan karma means provide some herbs to digest the undigested food called “Ama”(Toxins),Snehanam in either word meaning “Oleation” and “Swedanam” meaning sweating and much of this method of Panchakarma Therapy is in preparing the toxins for elimination, through herbs, oil, and sweating therapies. The eating herbs, oil application and sweating therapy help in bringing the toxin into the digestive tract for elimination.
The first stage which comprises preliminary procedure, which prepares the body to unload stored toxins.
(B) Pradhan Karma (Main Procedure)
Vaman-(Emesis Therapy or therapeutic Vomiting)
Vaman is administrated to eliminate the Kapha causing the excess mucus. All Kapha related diseases are cured by this therapy.
In this therapy medicated liquid (milk or juice) is given to the person to induce vomiting in a natural way. Here undigested food, phlegm, harmful gastric secretions etc. are expelled by cleaning the chest and gastrointestinal tract. It very effective and cleansing the toxins collected in the body.
Indications: Bronchitis, cold and cough, Indigestion, acidity, toxicity, Loss of appetite, chronic allergic disorders, Acne and pimples, chronic skin diseases such as Psoriasis & eczema, obesity and all Kapha related diseases etc.
Virechan (Therapeutic purgation)
Pitta diseases are cured by this process. This eliminates the toxic or wastes material from the intestine by administrating therapeutic purgation or a therapeutic laxative.
Under the Virechan some medicated oil or powder or decoction is given to the person for purgation so that the vitiated Dosha come out without any complication. It helps to revitalize the digestion and metabolic process.
Indications: Constipation, Ano-rectal Diseases, Hyperacidity, joint disorders Rheumatoid arthritis, gynecological disorders, diabetes, skin ailments, headache, Bronchial asthma, Jaundice, Paralysis, Ascites, Gastrointestinal disorders, and all Pitta Diseases.etc.
Vasti (Medicated enema)
There is mainly three type of Vasti “Asthaapana vasti, Anuvasan Vasti, and Uttarvasti”.
Asthaapana Vasti
Asthaapana or Niruham is enema with quath or Kashaya administrated in through the rectum.Vasti is for vata and Vata dominant diseases. Vata’s predominant site is the colon.
Indications: constipation, IBS, kidney stones, backaches, sciatica, Arthritis, Rheumatic arthritis, cervical spondylitis all types of joint pains and all Vata diseases.
Anuvasan Vasti
Anuvasan Vasti is enema with oil. Under Anuvasan vasti medicated oil administrated in through rectum. Anuvasan vasti is indicated in vataaggravated diseases. This is not given to patients suffering from diabetes, anemia, and obesity.
Indications: Joint disorders, paralysis, constipation, arthritis, urinary and reproductive disorders, backache, sciatica, obesity, sexual debility, infertility, digestive disorders and all Vata aggravated diseases.
Uttarvasti is an Ayurvedic procedure in which specific oil-based medicine or decoction is administered in urethra through urethral meatus, with a syringe (under the Uttar vasti urethral catheterization is not required). Uttar Vasti is very good treatment for the urethral stricture. Uttar Vasti gives about 60 -70 % relief to the patient suffering from Urethral Stricture.
Indications: Urethral stricture, Infertility, Prostatic hypertrophy, gynecological disorders and urogenital disorders.
Nasyam (Nasal Infusion)
Inhalation of medicated oil through the nose is called Nasyam. An excess of humor accumulated in different sinus cavity, throat, nose or head areas is eliminated by Nasyam. Under the Nasyam treatment up to the shoulders, the patient’s body is massaged. After that medicine in exact dose is measured and poured into the nostrils, as the patient inhales. During the process, the area around the nose, neck, shoulders, and palms are rubbed.
Indications: Sinusitis, nasal allergies, migraine, headache, the heaviness of eye and head, chronic cold and chest congestion, tinnitus, Hemiplegia, facial paralysis, insomnia, stress and strain, hyperpigmentation of face, premature greying of hair and is especially useful in all ailments of area and organs above the neck. This treatment is beneficial in trigeminal neuralgia, improves memory and eyesight etc.
Raktamokshhan (Bloodletting)
Panchakarma is a very special Ayurvedic process and requires highly trained and skillful Ayurvedic physician.
For more information, call us on (03) 9794 8546